Monday, June 22, 2015

Mighty Plugs are Just Fine

Earplugs, I've tried them all. The hard moldable silicone, the ear planes, soft foam both straight and angled, tri-flange, and softer moldable silicone. And then there are Mighty Plugs. I wear earplugs every night, all night long. The ear planes just plain hurt, the silicone plugs get uncomfortable the longer I wear them and they tend to fall out, disappearing into that black hole where single socks and earplugs go, never to be seen again. The foam earplugs don't even stay in 30 seconds before they return to the original size as they fall out. My issue seems to be that I have narrow ear canals and they are different sizes, with my right side needing a larger ear plug than my left. I had been suffering with the softer silicone plugs until I got the chance to review these ear plugs. The Mighty Plug is not silicone, but made from beeswax, lanolin, cotton, corn starch and grapefruit seed extract. Once you start molding them they get softer. I am able to use just 1 earplug which I split approximately 60/40 so they fit in my ear canals. I was amazed. They stayed soft, I could hardly tell I had them in. The best part is that they blocked 97% of the sound and I was able to sleep so much better. I have been using them nightly for 3 weeks and they are just as effective as the day I received them. If they start to fall out I will wash them with gentle soap and water and see if that brings them back to life. I really like these earplugs and, while your experience may not be exactly like mine, I do recommend them as the most gentle, easy to size, and really sound blocking of any earplug I have ever found.

You can purchase the Might Plugs on

I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased feedback, regardless I only recommend products that worked for me and that I think will work for my readers.

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